Game Client Installation
A minimum of 4GB of disk space is required for the installation of E-pinti Online. Please check the free space capacity of your hard disk before installation.

Örnek Dosya

Last Update 05-10-2024
E-pinti Online
Graphics Driver and Latest Versions
Please make sure your hardware and Drivers are up to date to play games.
GeForce Driver
Radeon Sürücü
E-pinti Online System Requirements
We recommend that you install the latest operating system for the game to install and run smoothly.

System Requirements

Min. Specifications
Recommended Specifications
CPU Pentium 3 800MHz or higher Pentium 4 2.4GHz or higher
RAM 256MB 512MB
VGA 3D speed over GeForce2 or ATI 9000 3D speed over GeForce FX 5600 or ATI9500
SOUND DirectX 9.0c Compatibility card DirectX 9.0c Compatibility card
HDD 4GB or higher(including swap and temporary file) 4GB or higher(including swap and temporary file)
OS Windows XP Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 (Or latest version from Microsoft Windows)